Thursday, September 11, 2008

Oh my..
Prelim 2 is taking place tomorrow..
It will be English paper 1 & 2.
The chance for me to perform well in order to obtain scholarship!!
Again, I'll wake up at 4am tomorrow morning to memorise some useful phrase & some interesting stories.

This morning, we laso have our morning class again.
It was Chemistry lesson.
I managed to memorise 3 full questions too.
& today I had a great time laughing again.

Anyway, Mom & Dad together with my other brothers will be coming to Singapore on Sunday to attend my cousin's wedding.
I was taken aback when I saw many tags from Halimah, Sinah & Firdaus.

Today is the 6th day I have been fasting & the day I have not been smoking.
Cool huh?

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Thats Me

Thats Me