Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Today went to school a little late since only the graduating classes are having lessons.
Had Maths for 5 period.
Had laugh with our form teacher during lunch time.
Amin & I stalk our form teacher!

Anyway, tomorrow will be the last day having normal lesson.
We are ending school at 1:30pm too.
Must enjoy studying tomorrow!!
Also, lots of picture is require to be taken.

To: Spammer
Please go and get a life.
You seems to be uneducated by scolding vulgarities in my blog.
Yet you are so afraid to put your name.
Isn't it dumb?
I know you are..
I'm born naturally cute and I don't have to act it.
Unlike you.
Shamless freak..
Stop all this shit or you will have to pay for it.
Don't mess with me.

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Thats Me

Thats Me