Saturday, April 12, 2008



Today I never go to school again..
I've been missing 2 days of lesson.
I really hate myself each time I absent myself from school.
If I were to stay with my mum,
I will never fail to absent from school.
It had been approximately 6-7 times over the same thing..
I really feeling like living back with my parents.
If now till June there is still any 'overslept' cases happening,
I'll move back with my parents.

I was not sure whether the art room is available for us
today or not.
But I decided to go to school.
At the interchange,
I was told that the art room was not available today.
I was like f%$#! (In my heart, of course)
So I slack with Khalia & Elleen.

Around 4pm,
I went to Causeway Point to meet Khalia's mum.
Her mum treated me to Banquet even though
I kept turning down the offer.
Ahmad met us at Banquet too.
After which,
we proceed to Khalia's house.

It was my first experience visiting her house.
I must say that
'you do have lots of cat, Khalia!'
There was 4.
We watched videos in
Khalia's room
& certain videos are totally hilarious!
I was laughing my ass out!

At 7plus,
we left her house.
Later on,
I met Mabel at the interchange.
She pass me the weekend assignments,
my mother tongue newspaper articles for oral revision.
She is really nice, caring & thoughful!
Well, my vote for her as the Kindness Student is not wrong after all.
But she vote for me too!
As well as the top 'N' level Su Mei.
She said that I'm very very polite.
Hahaha!! Thanks!

I think thats all I want to post for today.
Good Night!

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Thats Me

Thats Me